Bible Reading: Proverbs 31
Memory verse: Proverbs 31:16, “She considers a field and buys it; from her profits she plants a vineyard.”
Proverbs 31 speaks about a woman of noble character. Every female believer is called to be a woman of noble character. Whether you are a stay at home mother or otherwise, God expects his daughters to be productive and resourceful. This is because when Jesus told the parable of the talents, he didn’t distinguish between males and females. No matter where you are, there are many opportunities available for creativity and innovation when you listen to the voice of the Spirit. For example, David a young shepherd boy wrote many of the Psalms we read today while tending sheep in the wilderness.
The greatest investments we should make is with our time and material resources. Putting your time in to growing spiritually will result in both eternal and material benefits. The Proverbs 31 woman did both. When you spend time seeking God, the Holy Spirit will give you God ideas for business. Following such ideas will yield profit. When the profit comes remember to give back to God, save some and spend some. Your wise use of money by investing can save your family in difficult times. Investment in your relationship with God will pay off.