• Rimsha's testimony from Pakistan.🥰🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

    Praise God we really glad to telling about the testimony after listening how praise is importance in our lives after learnt praise is the weapon against devil's agenda. Now I play worship everyday and wave my hand and dancing in Christ feel rejoice and now never feel tiredness during work hours. Thank you Jesus we are praying for sister Stella and sister Sonia they come every Sunday and teach us bible study we thank you sister Stella you come across the world with words of God we love you so much and lots of prayers for you.
    And specially happy teachers day 🎈🎉😊🎈

  • Fozia's testimony from Pakistan 🥰😍

    Hallelujah Hallelujah 🙌🏻🙌🏻 praise God I thankful to God. After learned about the praise my life changed I leave complaining to my husband and now I feel happy and feel good after listening praise God is very important I told my husband please bring memory card with worship song I will listen when I would work at home. I felt big change in my life.Thank you Jesus. Amen
    And thankful to God our teacher sister Stella she teach us gorgeousIy i really big fan of sister Stella sister teach us briefly with examples.
    Thank you sister Stella 🙏
    Happy teachers day 🎈🎉🎁🎉

  • Testimony of Healing: Fozia's Journey from Bell's Palsy to Full Recovery

    Fozia, a strong believer in Christ, was suffering from Bell's palsy and experiencing a lot of pain. She remained steadfast in her faith, continuously praying for healing. Sister Stella also devotedly prayed for her recovery. Today, Fozia is fully healed, and we rejoice in God's answer to our prayers.

    Thank you, Jesus, and thank you, Sister Stella, for your unwavering prayers. Many blessings to you, Sister Stella!

  • Divine Intervention: Brothers Javad and Arshad Freed from False Charges After Answered Prayers

    Just a few days ago, at their workplace, Brothers Javad and Arshad faced a troubling situation. A group of Muslim individuals falsely accused them, leading to their arrest and detention. Despite this injustice, our Heavenly Father demonstrated His goodness and answered our prayers. On Friday, Javad and Arshad were released from police custody.

    Hallelujah, hallelujah! 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌 Thanks to God Almighty.

  • Testimony of Elisha! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

    He is 4 year old child.
    Two weeks ago Elisha was suffering from chest infection and his diagnosis was not good. The Doctor said they should admit him in Hospital but we believe God and prayed. We waited and gave him medicine at home. God's Servant sister Stella prayed during our Bible study and his diagnosis has cleared , praise the God. God gave him speedy recovery

  • Fozia, Pakistan

    A Testimony of Faith & God's Divine Provision

    Before, I was uneducated and felt that I had never read or learned the Bible in my life. But now, I am learning the Bible every week and sharing the stories with my husband.

    I have faced many issues in my life, including not having enough food and money to send my children to school due to pending fees. I cried a lot, holding the Bible, and asked God for help. Within one week, my husband received the pending money. I believe that after attending Bible study, my faith has grown stronger, and God answered my prayers. Praise God!

  • Healed of Body Pains & Headaches

    When the servant of God prayed, a sister who had pain in her body went away, and our second testimony was that this sister had a lot of pain in her head. When the servant of God prayed, her headache went away, and our third testimony. Satan used to work inside a brother and when the servant of God prayed, then the devil left from this brother and now this brother keeps praying all the time. All this honor and glory be to the name of Lord Jesus Christ. Amen


  • Armand Peigne, Arizona, United States

    For months I was dealing with complications due to covid-19. I was having panic attacks and constant anxiety. I knew I had to turn to God and so I did. I started going to church praying hard and one day while driving to pick up my son I looked up prayer lines because I felt like I was under attack spiritually. I felt so defeated I thought to my self even though I turned to God I’m still suffering. That’s when I found Mrs Stella’s phone number. I was hesitant to call at first but I was so desperate for God's healing so I called and she answered.

    She was actively in a prayer group and said she would call me back. Fast forward to the next day, she was calling I didn't answer. I was hesitant but something told me to call her back. Looking back I know that was God talking to me. So I called her back and we started talking. I told her I was having trouble breathing, tightness and pressure in my chest and I couldn't sleep. I also had constant feeling of anxiety through out my whole body. Mrs stella then began to pray for me and I have never heard any one pray with so much confidence and authority. I felt my whole body heat up and my whole body started to shake. I started to speak in tounges this continued for at least 10 minutes or maybe longer. I felt like something was lifted from me. Mrs stella made clear that healing is already ours as followers of Christ. She instructed me to stay in the word and invited me to her daily prayer group and Bible study on Sundays.

    Fast forward to today and I'm doing so much better and healing more and more everyday. God healed me and revealed who he is and what he is about through Mrs stella. God intervened in a big way and I believe it was God's will that I called her that day. I thank God for her and her ministry. God is alive he loves you and wants you healed. He will not turn you away believe in his love and his power and trust in our lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Everything the enemy meant for harm God will turn to good and make it to where it never happened.

  • Alesia Amanda Babb

    My name is Alesia, I’m 25 years old and this is my testimony. As a young kid growing up, I can remember attending church regularly, my mom was Hindu and my dad, a Christian. My mom would ensure I attended church with a family member and when I was old enough, I started going alone or with friends. In high school I started dating a guy which lasted for five years. We both fell into sin even though we were both Christians and believers. I still attended church and I took him with me, but we didn’t work out. When we broke up it crushed me mentally and I thought I wasn’t good enough at this point for God, so I strayed further away from him, I did a lot of sinful things which never made me happy but gave temporary relief.

    I came to New York in 2017 and shortly after I met Sheldon. My first impression about him was of a Godly man. He spoke about God and church and how much he loved playing the instruments for church. But we both strayed away from God at one point. One year after Sheldon and I were dating I found out I was pregnant with my son Arius. We were both excited, but we weren’t happy together, we fought a lot and didn’t get along too well since God was not at the center of out relationship. Fast forward, we stayed together regardless, built a life together and a family. Sheldon fell deeper and deeper into sin and eventually hurt me on the way. I was depressed, lonely and felt abandoned by God for such a long time. I blamed God for a lot of things in my life not realizing I did this to myself because I had a choice, and I made the wrong ones. There were times when I didn’t want to be alive and even attempted to take my own life because the pain was unbearable. But my son was my strength, I knew he needed me, so I kept pushing and trying to find a way out. I didn’t know how to pray that well, but I would always speak to God hoping for an answer from him.

    One night I was so tired of my situation and crying to God. I remember exactly what I said, I said “God I am tired, please help me, even if you must send someone to help me or use someone so I can have a direction please just do it. “
    I also said “God I surrender I can’t do it anymore; you take control of my life because I’m tired and I promise I’ll worship you and live for you.” That was my prayer with a lot of tears and passion and the lord stepped in.

    Fast forward a couple weeks later, I was introduced to Tomika, and she told me about God and how he has transformed her life and she encouraged me to trust him. And so, I did. We started to go to church and get more involved with bible studies and praying and fasting. Tomika introduced Miss Stella and she prayed for me over the phone where I was born again. Life wasn’t exactly rainbows and sunshine after that, there were still obstacles but now I have my God by my side fighting my battles for me. Friends have been lost on this journey. God kept removing people from my life and I kept trusting him no matter what.

    As for Sheldon maybe one day he can share his testimony, but he got tired of living for the world, and he asked me for Miss Stella to pray for him and she came over and she did just that. He re-surrendered his life to our Lord Jesus Christ and Christ accepted him with open arms. With the right guidance and counseling, Sheldon and I are now married and trying to rebuild our life together. There’s a lot more work to be done but we are both putting God at the center of our relationship.

    My friends/brethLoolo4ren God is alive and real. Trust in him with all your heart and know that he’s not to be blamed for your pain but we were given a choice and we choose which path we want to be on. I choose and will continue to choose Christ. I have seen God work in my life and others, it’s hard not to believe he’s not responsible. He turned my impossible, possible. God has a divine purpose for me, and I can’t wait to see what else he has in store for me. I’m forever thankful to my King. I cry a lot just thinking of how much he loves me, he has never forsaken me. I love you lord. I hope my testimony touches someone else’s life. Whatever you’re going through, it doesn’t matter as long as you trust God, He will make the impossible, possible. I just want to leave this scripture for you, Jeremiah 29:11 “for I know the plans I have for you, declares the lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”. Amen.

  • Tomika, Queens, New York.

    Salvation Story

    1 year ago I met this sweet lady on a plane on my way back to New York from Guyana.I was scared of flying and I always prayed in my mind that God take me and bring me safely.

    I was baptized at 13 years old but never had an intimate relationship with my Heavenly Father. I had questions I needed answers for. My prayers on that plane was “God please reveal yourself to me. I want to know who you really are.” I wanted to know the God that create me. I was minding my business praying in my mind and this pretty lady touched me and asked. “Are you born again?”

    Long story short, it lead to a conversation, then we both prayed and exchanged numbers. Following Sunday she invited me to her Zoom Bible studies during which I received the Holy Spirit . 🙏 As she prayed for me over Zoom, I felt God’s power like I never felt the anointing in all my life.

    1 year ago April 18th, 2021, my life was touched and changed. I LOVE JESUS CHRIST 🙌 HE IS MY LORD AND SAVIOR. SO TODAY I JUST WANNA WISH THIS SWEET WOMAN Stella Jack Ministries International INC a HAPPY BIRTHDAY 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈

  • Uche, Nigeria

    Beneficiaries of our 100% scholarship Program
    God will make happen for you what you make happen for others. Thank you for saving me from the embrassment of school fees drive. This also makes me to understand more that indeed God answers our prayers .
    I was praying & asking Him to send helpers for me because I didn't know how to approach you again, and He proved Himself to be Almighty by sending you. It is Divine ❤️♥️.

    I did not take it for granted. Am very grateful 🙏🙏🙏 I pray also that God Almighty bless you all round. Keep sicknesses away from you, grant you everlasting joy, peace, happiness etc. You will not die, but live in wealth & divine health to eat the fruit of all your labours in Jesus Mighty name Amen n Amen

  • Brother Godwin, Benin, Nigeria

    I really appreciate GOD Almighty for his loving kindness and preserving my life to this day. I thank him for leading me to Stella Jack. I found her through Facebook and told her about my condition. I became paralyzed after an accident 9 years ago. My spinal cord was broken and as a result I haven’t been able to walk. She invited me to join her Bible study group, “World Changers”. Since I have been in this group, my life has never been the same. This ministry has affected my life with positive changes . My prayer and faith life has been transformed. I now know what is rightfully mine in Christ Jesus. Prior to this time, when having pains around my body, I will be afraid and will choose to go to the hospital for checkup. However, now if I feel any pains in my body, I speak to my body and command the pain to leave and it will leave. I give GOD all the glory and praise. I see a better future and know that I will walk again.


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