Don’t Say God Did It

Don’t Say God Did It

Bible Reading: Matthew 7:7-12

Special Verse: Luke 12:32

Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father is pleased to give you the kingdom.

God has been blamed for evil since the beginning of time. In Genesis 3:13, Adam blames God for the “woman he gave him”, that gave him the apple to eat. He refused to accept that it was the lust of his flesh that caused him to sin and caused the fall of humanity.  Job blamed God for losing his wealt, health and children. He didn’t know that fear was what gave Satan an opportunity to strike him (Job 3:25-26. Sarah blames God for her barreness (Genesis 16:2), not realizing that her waivering faith hindered the promise of Isaac from coming to fruition quicker. Think about your life and the evil you may have attributed to God.

In todays reading, it is clear that God wants us to receive only good gifts from his hands. Jesus came to give us only abundant life while Satan steals and destroys our lives. Knowing this will help you discern who is at work when things happen. Be fully persuaded that God is a good God so that you can steadfastly resist Satan when ever he shows up to do his work of stealing, killing and destroying.


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