Bible Reading: Romans 10:7-13
Memory verse: Romans 4:2, “For if Abraham was justified by works, he has something to boast about, but not before God.”
Abraham was not justified based on his righteousness or actions. How does the Scripture say a man is saved? By his own performance, works, or the things he does? How was Abraham counted as righteous, was it through the things he did or didn’t do? Did he simply believe and rely on God by faith? The answer is simple and straight forward, Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness. What holds me safe and keeps me from perishing and going to hell even when I sin and fail? It is the glorious truth that Jesus carried all my sins on the cross, and I have put my faith in His finished work and not in my ability to stay away from sin.
I am made righteous, justified before God. If not, when we get to heaven, we would say, “Thank You, Lord, for what You did for me on the cross, but remember I also tried my best by being clean before the trumpet sounded.” This won’t be the case because God has planned salvation, so that no man can take any credit for it. All the glory and boasting will be for Jesus. Salvation is free, receive it today (Hebrews 10:14; Romans 3:21-26).