Faith Takes Hold Of Grace’s  Provision

Faith Takes Hold Of Grace’s Provision

Bible Reading: Ephesians 1: 1-5

Memory verse: Ephesians 1:4, “Just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him In love.”

It is easy to get confused when you hear that faith without works is dead. Yet you are told that by grace you have been given all you need for life and godliness. The works being referred to in the above passage are actions you take to demonstrate your faith in the word.

Before Adam fell God chose you to be holy and blameless. This was even before the foundation of the world was laid. It means that God planned ahead of the fall. The Fall didn’t change his purpose for us. It also implies that nothing you do can change his plan for you. However, we need to agree and believe that his plan will come to pass because it doesn’t happen automatically. In this scripture we also see we are already blessed in heavenly places because that is God’s will. Grace provided all and faith takes possession of what Grace has made available.

Once a sister was trusting God for a baby. After she was prayed for, she decided to buy baby clothes in anticipation of having a baby. Shortly after she found out she was pregnant. In this situation, her works demonstrating her faith is the purchase of baby clothes.

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