Follow One Course Until Successful

Follow One Course Until Successful

Bible Reading: 2 Corinthians 5:9-15

Special Verse: Hebrews 6:12

That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises.

The blame game has been around since the fall of Adam and Eve. Due to our unwillingness to take responsibility for where we are, we blame our gender, skin color, government, parents or anything else but ourselves. Worst of all most people  attribute their negative circumstances to being the will of God. God wants us to live a successful and peaceful life.  He has provided all we need  in Christ.

This good life is accessible through precious promises found in scripture that can benefit all aspects of the human existence. By diligently seeking to see these promises manifest in our lives, we will experience the life God has promised us. These good promises don’t manifest accidenlally. This requires diligence, staying at whatever you are doing, in good times and bad. It is about living a disciplined and focused life. God is saying in this verse that if you stay on it, you will eventually come out on top. Stop jumping from one unfinished project to another. Learn to FOCUS -Follow One Course Until Successful.


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