Bible Reading:
Special Verse: Ephesians 2:2
in which you used to walk when you conformed to the ways of this world and of the ruler of the power of the air, the spirit who is now at work in the sons of disobedience.
By paying a close attention to our world,We must all understand that there's a demonic prince that controls the world's media. That is why the news media is more negative than positive. Many people based their opinion on the elections on what the popular media dished out to the world. Unfortunately, our society today is being shaped by the same media, which is controlled by the power of darkness. Movies, music and the "news reports" are all geared towards anti-God values and mindsets. When we are sensitive to the Holy Spirit, many things will not take us by surprise because he will reveal things to us. A good example is revealing the outcome of the election.
For us to walk in the spirit, we must learn to disconnect more from these influences. We will find it easier to know the mind of God and obey it. The fear of tomorrow will no longer hold us captive and we will be free to live a life of faith. In addition, sin will cease to be a struggle for us because we are constantly renewing our minds with scripture. It is up to us to decide what spirit will work in us. The spirit of the power of the air or the Spirit of the Most High God. So today and always be careful what you are feeding your mind with.