God Never Imposes His Will on Man

God Never Imposes His Will on Man

Bible Reading: Numbers 14:27-29

Memory verse: 1 Samuel 8:22, “So the LORD said to Samuel, ‘Heed their voice, and make them a king.”

Exodus 20:19 says, “‘And they said to Moses, ‘You speak to us and we will listen; but let not God speak to us, lest we die..’” This scripture and the memory verse show times when the people of Israel chose contrary to God’s perfect will for them. The first was when the people of Israel asked Samuel for a king. God’s will was that He, God, would be their king. God wanted a theocracy. The second was when they came out of Egypt, at Mount Sinai, God desired to visit and speak with them, but they chose an intermediary, Moses, because they were afraid of God’s voice. In both cases, God granted them their wishes based on what they said with their mouth.

Two lessons you can learn are:

1. God wants a relationship in which He speaks directly with you, instructing and fellowshipping with you. You don’t need someone to hear from God for you. Let Him be your King.

2. Be careful of what you are saying; your words are self-fulfilling prophecies. God highly respects your wishes and will not impose on you. Let the word of God sanctify your heart, so that you can start desiring His perfect will, and stop wanting to be like the world. Being like the world is a burden you don’t need to carry.

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