God Wants Our Children Saved

God Wants Our Children Saved

Bible Reading: Matthew 5: 13-16

Memory verse: 2 Timothy 1:5, “I am reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also.”

As parents we owe our children to fight for our faith to become theirs. Our Christian faith should be generational resulting in generational blessings. We can’t afford to lose our children to the devil. As the church we must focus on ensuring the youth become zealous for the kingdom of God. The Muslims do it, why shouldn’t Christians who have the truth. A crucial way to achieve this is to ensure your faith is real and genuine. Children see through hypocrisy and pretense.

However, if you live by example, they will see how you trust God in times of need, they will likely do the same as they grow. Many times you may feel frustrated because you seem not to be making a difference but that shouldn’t be. You should be confident that the Holy Spirit is at work in them because of your faith. Never try to force your children to follow the Lord, just be a positive testimony for Christ. Keep sowing the love seeds, God is faithful, in due season, you will reap a harvest of salvation if you don’t give up.

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