Bible Reading: Matthew 13:3-23
Special Verse: Mark 4:28
For the earth bringeth forth fruit of herself; first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear.
The heart is a soil on which seeds are sown. The best seeds to sow in our hearts is the word of God. Remember that every seed sown in the natural world produces by itself. The farmer can not make it produce, it goes through a process which we don't control. This process takes time and patience. In the same way, when we plant the word in our hearts, it starts to grow and this is done under the soil, not where we can see the process. After sometime a tiny blade appears but that isn't our harvest. Weeks and months, sometimes years will pass by before we reap a harvest.
Like Paul said, "we have need of patience". We need to be patient and allow the word to work in us and transform us. Results in the things of God don't come overnight in the same way seeds don't produce fruit overnight. However, if you're patient with yourself and God, staying in the word and in faith, you will reap a harvest. Expect to reap a harvest and watch God do amazing things in you and through you. This also applies in the area of giving.