He That Saved You Can Keep You.

He That Saved You Can Keep You.

Bible Reading: Philippians 3

Special Verse 

Philippians 1:6 being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

It is easy to get discouraged with your walk with God and feel you will not make it to the end. This happens  when your focus is on your own abilities and effort.  Although Paul the apostle had many supernatural experiences, he never assumed he could make it without God’s grace. So, the secret is to remember that you didn't save yourself and neither can you sustain yourself. The same faith we used to receive salvation is all we need for making it to the end. The same person you trusted for salvation-Jesus is the one you need to keep you.

Jesus is interested and committed to your spending eternity with him. That was his whole goal and it motivated him to endure such great shame and suffering.

Focus on the extent of his love and learn to rest in it. He has your back and his mercy and grace are boundless. Let him continue the work and remember his power is strong enough to keep you.

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