Jehovah Jireh

Jehovah Jireh

Bible Reading: 2 Corinthians 9:6-end

Special Verse: PHILIPPIANS 4:19

For my God shall supply all your needs according to his riches in glory.

God is our loving heavenly father. He is the creator and owner of all things. The cattle on a thousand hills, silver and gold all belong to him, so he isn't broke. We all know that he is all these great and beautiful things. Then why do we rely on the world, the Babylonian system, financial system to meet our needs?  Why is the church in debt as much as the world? It is because we don’t know God as our source of total supply. I am not writing this because I don't owe, rather because I am tired of borrowing for my needs to be met. The challenge most of us have is to believe the word of God and really trust him as our source of total supply.

Tell yourself the truth,”Debt is a burden “. God doesn't want us to be slaves to anyone. Make a quality decision to get out of debt and God will help you. Brothers and sisters, our heavenly father is rich enough to meet our needs if we will trust him. Abba Father will give it to you for free, the banks and credit card companies will lend it with interest. When you are done paying, you will be paying for it two to three times over. Is that Godly wisdom? Stop thinking like the world, think like GOD. God will give you freely not deprive you.     


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