Bible Reading: John 3:16-21; Romans 5:6
Memory verse: Romans 5:6, “For when we were still without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.”
Man became guilty of sin by inheritance. He was born with the nature of sin and needed a savior. No man was qualified to save man because everyone conceived by the natural process of sperm and egg was guilty from the womb. God devised a plan and decided to become man, thereby, entering the world legally with a sinless beginning through the Man, Christ Jesus. He was 100% man and 100% God. This reiterates that God cannot unilaterally do things on earth except through the use of human being. He will be going against His own laws if he acted without human permission. Because Jesus was 100% man, He qualified to die for the whole human race and did exactly that. If you accept His death and resurrection, you are free from the guilt of all your sins (John 3:16). This is a profound truth and should be accepted. If we accept Jesus, we receive back what was lost in the Garden of Eden and can live the abundant life that Jesus has provided. This sets us free to love and serve the living God. We receive the power to say no to sin because sin no longer has dominion over us.
Jesus is alive, and that is why He can save you. No dead person can help a living person. All other religions know their founders are dead, and they know where their graves are. Jesus’ grave is empty! Christianity is not a religion but a life to be received. This salvation is inclusive of all that we lost through the Fall and not just eternal life in the sweet by and by. Abundant life is God’s kind of life and nature operating through us to change the world around us. This is achieved through the knowledge of Jesus, as revealed to us by His indwelling Spirit. Jesus brought us freedom from sickness, death, sin, the whole nine yards. Have you received and believed in what Jesus did? When you do, you become a new species of being that never existed, a species with no past! If you haven’t, please do so today.