Jesus the Source of Eternal Salvation

Jesus the Source of Eternal Salvation

Bible Reading: Romans 4:22-25 

Special Verse: Hebrews 5:9

And having been made perfect, He became the source of eternal salvation for all those who obey him.

Under the new covenant which came into effect with the death and resurrection of Jesus, we are credited righteousness when we believe in him who raised Jesus from the dead, not by our works of righteousness. Righteousness is a gift not a reward. Under the same covenant, God justifies the unrighteous and erases every record of their sin, even before they were born.

When they receive what was done in advance for them, they can live a victorious and blessed life. However, anyone who rejects this free gift by rejecting Jesus' sacrifice, pay the penalty of all their sins in hell. Jesus is the source of eternal salvation for them that believe.

Do you believe in Jesus as your source of salvation or are you trusting in your good works, hoping they will out way your bad works? Only believe and you shall be saved.

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