Loss is Satanic

Loss is Satanic

Bible reading: Psalm 118:17-23

Memory verse: Job 1:21, “And he said, Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return there. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.”

Job has just lost all his children and finances and because of his concept of who God is, he accepts his trouble as being from God. He goes ahead to worship God. Hmm, does God expect us to thank him for tragedy? Is it God that kills our children and brings evil on us? Is that honestly how we see God? Is that the character of someone we consider as loving and good? God didn’t do any of these to Job.

The God of this world Satan (enthroned by Adam) was at work. Unfortunately, because Job believed it was God at work, he didn’t fight back or ask God to deliver him from Satan’s attack. Compare how Job reacted to David’s reaction, when enemies came against him.

When tragedy hits and you think God Do have a hand in it, without recognizing who is really at work, you are inviting more trouble. Remember, God does not come to steal, kill and destroy, that is Satan’s ministry. As a New Testament believer, resist him standing strong in the faith.


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