Marriage is Honorable

Marriage is Honorable

Bible Reading: Hebrews 13:4-6

Memory verse: Hebrews 13:4, “Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge.”

I was listening to 700 Club and heard a piece of good news which I felt compelled to share. Before this, there was a supposed survey that claims that in the United States, the divorce rate is over 50% and it is just as high or even higher in the church. However, I disagree with this. The report I heard on 700 Club also negates this survey; it says that divorce rate is about 35% in the world and less than 20% in the church. If the first report is actually true, then it means that the church has been unable to impact the lives of people who are part of it, which means that the body of Christ may not be making the most impact, but we are making impact. I personally did a mental math to get a percentage of families I know and the divorce rate. I can confirm to you that it is definitely not up to 50% as the media claims. Do not believe every stat or information you read because only bad news makes news. Remember the devil is a liar and he controls the air waves, so he propagates lies.

It is therefore important that we prove all things, and focus on things which are true, just, and of good report. Remember the Scripture is true and has promised us that the church is matching on, and the gates of hell cannot prevail against it. Marriage is honorable and God’s principles for it still work, His style never grows old. Rely on Him for your marital bliss. The devil cannot destroy marriage because he didn’t institute it. The family is the building block of the church. Fight for your marriage, it is worth the fight, and you will not regret fighting.

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