New Testament Believers are Not  in the Same Dispensation as Job

New Testament Believers are Not in the Same Dispensation as Job

Bible Reading: Job 1:20-21

Memory verse: Job 1: 21, “And he said: “Naked I came from my mother’s womb and naked shall I return there. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; Day the name of the Lord be praised.”

It is sad that many New Testament Christians agree with Job that his troubles were from God. We all need to remember that the world had already been handed over to Satan by mankind (Adam), making Satan the god of this world. Each individual at this point had to either see and trust God as their protector or believe that God could protect them and also destroy them at will. Unfortunately, from this scripture we see the later was Job’s mindset.

Job did not know the true nature of God or who was the architect of his tragedy. He even praised God for what was happening to him, this was dangerous, instead of asking God to deliver him. Throughout the dialogues, we see he came to God based on his own righteousness. However, at the end of the book, his mindset about God changed and all he lost was restored to him.

It is critical that we learn to resist any form of evil if not the enemy will take advantage of us and torment us. This power has been given to us through the death and resurrection of Christ and we need to use it. When it is good it is GOD when it is bad it is Satan.

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