Bible Reading: Ephesians 6:18-24
Special Verse : Psalm 81:10 I am the Lord thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt , open thy mouth wide and I will fill it.
Paul requests for divine inspiration to be given him when ever he had to share the gospel. Paul was a man to whom God revealed deep things of the gospel to, yet each time he depended completely on the Holy Spirit for fresh revelation. It is wonderful to prepare before going to preach the word of God, however, we must rely on him to give the right word for every occasion. Many times, that word may be different from your original message.
The Holy Spirit is the one that emboldens us to speak fearlessly regardless of how often we have ministered. If you are not depending on him on each occasion, the likelihood is that you're trusting in your own ability. For Christians who shy away from sharing the Word, it is likely that you think you will need to do it based on your own knowledge and strength. Learn to surrender to him and see him flow through you and touch lives. If we all do this, we'll be quick to return all glory to him because we realize it's not us but him.