Qualified by Jesus

Qualified by Jesus

Bible Reading: Ephesians 2:1-13

Special Verse: Ephesians 2:18

For through him we both have access to the Father by one Spirit

The Bible was not written to or about perfect people . All scripture is about imperfect people loved by a perfect God, who is desirous of building a relationship with them. This message  resonates in them- showing that Jesus is our source of righteousness which qualifies us to enter in to that relationship when we believe in him.

Religion continues to blind humanity to the truth of who qualifies us.  Before Jesus went to the cross, we were enemies of God but after he died, we became reconciled to God. How can we still think that  after you have become his child and did not denounce his name, he will condemn you with the world? Now that we are reconciled to him, we are saved by his life. This means that because he lives in you, you automatically have eternal life. Remind yourself when you miss the mark, that Jesus is eternal life and eternal life is in him.

As long as Jesus did not leave you when you sinned, you didn't also loose your salvation. Confess your sin and move forward, boast in him because he has given you salvation for free. It was his choice and you chose to believe in him. Hallelujah.


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