Season Change is Natural

Season Change is Natural

Bible Reading: Galatians 6:7-9; Genesis 8:22

Memory verse: Genesis 8:22 (NIV), “As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.”

As long as the earth remains, seed time and harvest,... winter and summer will never cease. This year, from January to March, for those of us living in the North East of United States, it was like the winter and cold would not end. The winter seasons of life are when life seems to have frozen against us. When everything seems to be going wrong and there appears to be no hope, when it looks like all hell is unleashed against you, be encouraged because it comes to all mankind as long as you are in the human body.

David is a good example of someone who had a prolonged winter season. Prophet Samuel anointed him king of Israel when he was about 17 years old. Shortly after that, he started running for his life from jealous King Saul. His period of exile lasted for about 13 years, and things appeared to go from bad to worst. It was during that period that he wrote many of the Psalms we read today. Eventually, his enemy died, and he ascended the throne. David’s winter season had to end and so will yours because the Scripture cannot be broken based on Genesis 8:22. During a winter season, one thing you must do is to keep your eyes fixed on Jesus and His promises for you. Winter and spring have to come then summer, that is the cycle of life. God reminds me of this every year. Every situation has an expiry date and must come to pass. I have had my fair share of winter and summer, but in it all, my Abba, Father, has remained unchanging in His love for me. I am eternally grateful to Him for His overwhelming love and kindness. Thank you, Daddy, I thank You for every year and the amazing surprises You have for me.


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