Sin hardens Your Heart

Sin hardens Your Heart

Bible Reading: Romans 1: 18-21

Special Verse:

ROMANS 1:18 The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness.

Sin is dangerous for both Christian and none Christian. Grace is no license to live anyhow. Living a life of sin will make you suppress the truth of God. Whenever you sin, you suppress what God has revealed to you in the past about him. The more someone willingly indulges in sin, the more they become insensitive to the love of God and are in danger of turning away completely form him. Remember that sin is darkness, it will hinder your spiritual vision. Consider that young children are normally more sensitive to God than adults. This is because  they not as polluted by the mindset of the world as adults. Today decide to put away evil habits that  war against your soul, so you can become all God has planned for you to be.


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