Special Verse: MARK12:43 And he called unto him his disciples, and saith unto them, Verily I say unto you, That this poor widow hath cast more in, than all they which have cast into the treasury:
The story of the widow giving about two pennies worth of offering is one many are very familiar with. One thing to we can learn from the story is that it is not so much as the size of what we give but what it costs us that matters to God. God notices all we do and will reward according to the prize we pay rather than the amount we give. Many Christians feel intimidated by others who appear to be doing so much and are popular. They feel they aren't making as much impact, they are failing God. That is not always true. The widow became generationally famous and we tell her story today because of two pennies offering. Consider also Naaman's slave girl who told him about the prophet Elisha. She probably never knew she is mentioned in the scriptures. Obedience to God and faithfully doing what is right is the key to leaving an eternal impact. Stop comparing your perceived achievement with other people's. Eternity will tell who made the greatest difference on Earth, not the statistics. Remember, God sees things differently from humans.