Bible reading: John 8:31-36 Memory Verse: John 8:32, “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
It is amazing how Christians are attacked when they speak the truth about sin. Christians love homosexuals but do not agree with the life style. Just like Jesus, we love the sinner but hate sin. Understand that it is not sin that makes you a sinner but the nature which man inherited from Adam. Even nice people will go to hell because they trusted in their good works. Good works do not save anybody, only faith in JESUS does. We are saved by grace through faith not by works so no man can boast.
The world cannot set God’s standards for him, neither does it change with time. Sexual immorality whether bi, hetero, or whatever name it is called is sin. We may get attacked when we speak truth but man is not the author of life and has no right to set standards for it. I encourage every Bible believing Christian to stand up for truth even when it is uncomfortable. It is the truth that sets people free not compromise.