Bible Reading: Romans 8:1-12
Special Verse
Romans 6:12 Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its evil desires.
When we are told in scripture as New Testament believers that we are dead to sin, it doesn't mean we can't sin. It simply means that we have no more sin in our DNA unlike the Adamic nature, which we had prior to being born again. Believe it or not, we now sin as a bad habit not by nature. You can actually refuse to sin if you use the word to train your mind. Children of God oftentimes yield their body parts to Satan as instruments of unrighteousness but this ought not to be so.
This leads to experiencing death (sorrow, sickness, lack of peace, pain, poverty and even physical death), instead of the abundant life Christ promised us. In areas you are experiencing anything short of life, check what you are yielding to and expose yourself to the Word and watch it restore you to life.