Your Life Moves in the Direction  Of Your Most Dominant Thought

Your Life Moves in the Direction Of Your Most Dominant Thought

Bible Reading: Ephesians 6: 10-18 Memory verse: Genesis 6:5, “And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.”

Our lives move in the direction of our most dominant thought. During the time of Noah, there was great wickedness on Earth and this was a result of perpetual evil imagination. Each day several ideas come to us and we choose to dwell on certain of them, which eventually influence our actions. Unfortunately, most of us are insensitive to all the things in our environment which feed our subconscious mind and eventually become the thoughts we feed on.

Good examples are conversations of friends and family around us, media (internet, TV and radio), magazines at checkout registers in stores. By being more aware of the influence of these things, we are able to “think about what we are thinking”. In so doing, we will abort evil suggestions, choose the God ideas, brood and act on them, resulting in God sized manifestations in our lives. Your thoughts are shaping the outcomes of your life.

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